Amazon Book Description:
Part 1 in the Signature Required Series
A young collegiate's journey. An experienced tutor's struggle. Both are just beginning.
Josephine Devereaux has worked with the clandestine group, Camelot, for several years reaching out to young co-eds who want to explore their sexuality but who feel they can't do so publicly. While Camelot requires only the signatures of the individuals involved in the erotic activities, Jo has a different rule she has always held to: absolutely no attachments.
But when she sets eyes on Francesca deLouise, Jo can't help but feel her overwhelming need isn't just a scorching sexual craving- it might be the first crack in the only rule she's never broken.
This story contains: lesbian sex, oral sex, fingering, tribbing/scissoring, dirty talk, an innocent co-ed, tongues being used in naughty ways, and the need to reach between your legs as you read along. 18+
Length: Just under 10k words
Part 2, Her Cherry Tutor, available now!
** HER PRIVATE TUTOR is Part 1 in the Signature Required series and while it can be read as a stand-alone, it is part of a continuing storyline. **
Author Interview:
What made you want to write erotica?
Oof, there's no short way to answer this one! I've always been an avid reader of romance and the spicier the love scene, the better. I wasn't a huge fan of Fifty Shades of Grey but what I did appreciate about its phenomenon was that it made erotic content a little more mainstream, more acceptable to read and write. I've been working on some full-length series for a few years now (paranormal and contemporary erotic romances) and kept hitting snags so when an idea hit me for a F/F erotic series, I ran with it. Now I'm trailing after Jo and Fran, curious to see where they take me.
Anything you want to say to readers?
Um, first of all, if you took a chance on me with all the options available to you-- THANK YOU! Readers of erotica seem to get lumped into categories like 'perverts', 'kinksters', and 'smutaholics' and don't get enough credit for being readers like the rest of us. The only difference is that they're looking for more than one 'happy ending', so to speak. And also, I'm very open-minded and receptive to kinks and ideas for future installments of my lesbian series (Signature Required, currently out) and my straight/menage series (Lesson Plan, coming soon!). So if you have any requests, hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you're craving and I'll see if I can't wrangle my characters into making it happen for you. :)
Will you have a new book coming out soon? Can you tell us about it?
Yes, actually! Every month on the 28th, I'll be releasing the new installments for the Signature Required series, which follows Josephine, a woman who's made a career of no commitment but can't keep her hands or thoughts off of a certain co-ed, and Francesca, a young collegiate who's beginning to realize she can't shake how it felt to be sexually owned by her temporary tutor. On April 28th, HER CHERRY TUTOR, part 2 in the series, will be hitting ebook shelves:
A young collegiate's journey has begun. But how can she be sure it's her tutor she really wants?
Francesca never knew her body was capable of experiencing so much pleasure-- until Josephine Devereaux got her well-manicured hands in and on her. Now, she's left reeling from the revelation that she might prefer women and doesn't know what to do with the number Jo left in her hands.
A night that was supposed to be spent staring into the depths of her beer take a turn for the sexual when a fellow student picks up on her need from across the bar. With passions running high and the risk of fooling around in a public place getting her hotter, Fran can't help but wonder if the magic with Jo wasn't as electric as she remembers.
And some time in May, I'll be releasing the first installment of my Lesson Plan series, which will be hetero, menage, orgy and all manner of fabulous sexy combinations. *happy wiggle*
What makes your book so different from all the books out there?
I'd like to think that my version of erotica has a little more class than what you typically see. Don't get me wrong, I love the trashy and raunchy stuff just as much as the next gal! But in my erotica, there are undercurrents woven into the characters' thoughts and actions, forces driving them that can't be unveiled in a single installment. Yes, it's sexy and raunchy and has some filthy language, but at the same time it's sharp, concise, and meticulously edited. I don't put my name on anything I'm not proud to claim and the Signature Required series in particular is something I'm proud of because writing it took me entirely out of my typical writing element-- monogamous, heterosexual romance.
Also, having a series dedicated to lesbian erotic adventures-- well, maybe I've been looking in the wrong places but I've seen less of that out there than, say, monster erotica, taboo erotica, or even gay male erotica. I wanted to see some lady lovin' out there, so I wrote some. Lol
What was the process with getting the cover for your book? How do you like it?
The cover was a labor of love, let me tell you! I debated and debated over going with someone experienced in creating ebook covers. I had the money, I could afford it. But when I looked at the erotica covers out there, I was seeing a lot of cover art that looked like copy/paste projects with little to no recognizable branding, in addition to not really finding an artist whose erotica designs I could fall in love with. So I went off on a journey to create my own covers and it was a wonderful, extremely time-consuming process. I tweaked little things for hours on end using stock photos that I'd purchased the rights to, making notes in a 'how-to' file so I wouldn't forget how I got it to look a certain way, and shrinking them down to thumbnail sizes to make sure they were still recognizable.
Making the covers myself was also very inspiring for my writing process, so I feel like I won two-fold after taking on the endeavor. In the end, I'm quite pleased with my series of covers and can't wait to share them with everyone. If you have the time to fiddle around endlessly with options and the necessary patience to live through the perfectionist process I went through, I recommend using for a relatively easy-to-use online image editor. It's free and can turn out some lovely book covers, especially if you're on a strict budget and can't afford to have someone else do your covers for you.
What does your writing area look like?
I like to cuddle up in a corner of the couch on my days off from my other job and dive right into my laptop. I've trained myself to write without music because I used to spend ungodly amounts of time creating the perfect playlist for my stories and realized I wasn't getting any actual writing done. Procrastinator extraordinaire here, ladies and gents! In addition to my cuddly corner, I've got a mug of coffee on my side table in the mornings and a 1000mL water bottle once the coffee's done for the day. The drapes on the living window are thrown wide open to let in some natural light and away I go.
Goals for the future projects books?
I mentioned earlier that I plan to release one installment from the Signature Required series every month on the 28th, pretty much until I wrap up the series. Don't worry your pretty little heads-- I've got 14 mocked-up covers planned out so far so there's not an end for the foreseeable future. But I'm also going to be releasing one title from the Lesson Plan series every month starting-- hopefully!-- May. That'll be 2 titles from me available every month starting May with something for everyone. A little lesbian action here, a lot of menage action for my hetero freaks there.
Is there a genre you could never write? Which and why?
I don't like to restrict myself but I think it is highly unlikely that I'll ever be found writing a sweet (no sex) or inspirational title. Not because I don't share the faith-- what? You think kinky writers aren't believers?-- but because that's not what I like to read or what interests me. Sex is a part of life. Kinky, get-down-and-dirty sex is hella fun. It makes our relationships messy and complicated and awesome and addicting and I love exploring those aspects. Sweet and inspirational romance strips away our most primitive urges and to be honest, it would be too difficult for me to write, I think.
When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book?
My mom saves everything I've ever written and, as far as I can tell, I started writing stories on my own back in 1st grade. My first book was in 4th grade and it was about two killer whales, two dolphins, and various other sea creatures trying to solve a mystery about who was polluting the ocean. Spoiler alert: it was the Tigersharks and the Hammerheads, undersea gangs filled with unsavory characters armed with very pointy teeth. (I went through a looooong phase where I wanted to be a marine biologist. *grin*) No, there was no sex, but it was my first book. After that, I spent more than several years in the anime fanfiction circuit before I realized I wanted to write my own characters and stories instead of building off of someone else's.
How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for erotica?
*laughs uneasily* Yeah, I really haven't gotten around to pushing my books on people yet. My marketing plan right now is to build my backlist so that I have plenty of titles available for download and to occasionally talk about my titles on ULTRA-FAB blogs like this one and on Twitter. But really, I've seen other people market their titles and it seems to mean a non-stop barrage of "buy links" and there's nothing that turns me off of purchasing a book more than being spammed by the author-- so why would I do that to someone else? I'm still figuring this new gig out, but I'm hoping to find a nice balance between selling books and just being me.
Do you work with an outline, or just write?
Typically, I start with an idea or a scene with the characters. They like to come out of nowhere at me. I'll let that stew for a bit to get a good handle on who I'm going to be writing and then I'll draft a rough outline, nothing too detailed, just enough to give me an idea of how I'm taking the scene from point A to point B. Then I set fingers to keyboard and type. After I'm done with the first draft, I'll go back and look at that outline again and compare it against what I've written. I'll adjust the areas that need some tightening, cut a lot of crap out, and shine it up until I'm ready to share it. I'm a hybrid plotter/pantser. :)
Favorite quote from your book?
“My naughty, eager little girl,” I murmured between her labia, using my chin to press circles round and round her pulsing clit. Dipping down, I shoved my tongue as deep inside her snug channel as it would go and speared her repeatedly, releasing my other hand from her thigh to roughly rub the pads of my fingers over her agitated nub. “Mmmm. Fuck my mouth, Francesca. Show me that you need to come.”
“Oh, my clit! Harder! Please—harder!”
Her desperate cry fueled my actions as I raised up on my elbows and pressed two fingers in and up, the sweet noise of her wetness as I withdrew and fucked into her again making her entire body shudder.
I just love this visual. Josephine is pushing Francesca to use dirty language and shy Fran is so wound up that she can't help but go a little crazy. Sweet and sexy. My favorite. <3
My Review:
This book is essentially one long lesbian sex scene between an experienced dominatrix and a girl who is interested in exploring her sexuality. For those who like sexual encounters between strangers, you will enjoy this read. Also, this short story has a large emphasis on being accepting of one's sexuality. It portrays that sex is a fun, healthy activity. Her Private Tutor shows that is is arousing to be selfless and pleasure one's sexual partner. Overall, this book is an enticing read for those who like to read erotica that portrays sex in a very healthy image.
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