Friday, April 24, 2015

A Normal Girl by Angora Shade

Consensual Heterosexual

Ryan, a geeky technology apprentice student, is on his way to losing his virginity. Shy by nature, his lack of experience with women has left him unfamiliar with ideas other than vanilla sex. In his search for his ideal girl, he seeks out those he deems normal, only to be faced with and turned off by various sexual kinks. Ryan comes to learn that normal is relative, and that he and his ideal girl are anything but vanilla.

My Review:
I think that Angora Shade encapsulated the theme of this book perfectly in her synopsis, "Ryan comes to learn that normal is relative." I'm not going to write any spoilers, but I loved how she concluded this theme at the end of this story, for it made the book come full circle. Part of what's fun with sex is the kinks,  but different people will enjoy different kinks. Furthermore, it is incredibly important to communicate your kink and ensure your partner is interested as well, particularly with regard to BDSM. Otherwise, a well-intended sexcapade could greatly disturb, rather arouse, your partner. Between three vastly different sex scenes to enjoy and the literary commentary to contemplate, this book has a lot to offer.

About the Author:
Angora Shade is an American author living in what she lovingly refers to as "Sheep Shit Nowhere" Europe. In an attempt to add some spice to her small town life, Ms Shade began writing explicit erotica as a form of entertainment. Exploring the boundaries of acceptable sexual literature, she often seeks to create stories that not only entertain others, but also expose and push against the negative stigma surrounding sex in modern day society. She believes that sex, in literature, art, personal thought, and physical nature, should be celebrated and expressed freely and as easily as any God given freedom. Her favorite themes in writing include revenge, self discovery, alternative materials for love play/bdsm, as well as anything that produces a good tingle, sizzle, or laugh. When not writing, Ms Shade enjoys red wine, travel, dancing, classic cartoons, baking, and creating fine art.

Find A Normal Girl and Angora Shade Online:
Amazon ♥ Stiffrain Press ♥ Twitter ♥ Blog

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