Janey has been so kind as to offer to sponsor a giveaway on this blog! See below for details!!!
Amazon Book Description:
SEBASTIAN – DARK BONDS (Book #2): Elizabeth struggles to absorb tragic news. Her life seemingly in shreds, she is comforted by Sebastian through her darkest days. He suggests she and Bella stay at Penmorrow for a period of healing but now Elizabeth must face not only the increasing sexual demands from dominant Sebastian ... but a darker undercurrent of malice.
Janey has been so kind to offer to sponsor a giveaway!
Prizes include five bookmarks and one signed finished print copy of Janey's latest book: Sebastian's Secrets! Fill out the rafflecopter form below to enter! No rafflecopter = No Entry.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My Review:
As I find is common with the second book in a trilogy, Dark Bonds is like a bridge between the first and last installments. It addresses the aftermath of Secrets and then sets up the stage for Retribution - going so far as leaving the reader with an enticing cliff hanger. Elizabeth has been thrown into a world that's completely different from what she has ever known, and is left struggling to sort out her feelings (during an already trying time) as well as figuring out who she can trust. Add to this the character of Sebastian, who sends mixed signals as he gives Elizabeth incredible support but at the same time seems keen to hide information about his past. Elizabeth desperately wants to trust him - but does Sebastian deserve the trust that he requires?
As I mentioned in my review of Secrets, Janey paints incredibly vivid and distinct characters - ones which evoke a strong emotional response. While I'm reading I find these characters equally infuriating at one time but endearing at another. I must say, I think it's a mark of a talented author who can so effectively get inside my head.
I will admit that Dark Bonds was a little hard to get through at points. However, (at the time of writing) I've already made good progress into Retribution, and I am now gaining a larger appreciation for Dark Bonds. If you persevere through this book, you will not be disappointed.
Available on Amazon Here
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